Jaime Gelman
December 12, 2023

Senior Quote
“Time changes everything. That’s what people say, it’s not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.”
-Dr. House
Teacher Quote
“Jaime, it is with pride and joy that I reflect on the truly transformative journey from boy to man that you have undergone these last four years. As a sincere, scientific learner and one who appreciates the intricacies of the human body and problem-solving, you accurately and impressively connected so much of what we were learning to your favorite show “House.” I will deeply miss your your insightful analogies, your dry and sometimes dark humor, and your playfulness. While you are typically quiet and reserved, I have seen lion inside, with a ferocity for life, for learning, and to be understood. I wish for you a life where the lion can roar with confidence and pride, and is tempered with the kindness and courtesy you have learned at Cushman, and that you find your soul-mate who will be lucky to have you as their partner. Best wishes always!”
Jennifer Russell
High School Science Teacher